🅱epsi ~ friday, 06-02-18

I was just looking at some old previously used diaries and let me just say that when I was in first grade, I was really weird. Seriously. I hated this one kid in my class for some reason and I made a three part rant about them, in comic form. That's what I should do this summer. Bring a small journal around with me and make comics about whatever, with the occasional diary entry. I had much more to say, but I forgot all of it except that I'm finally getting my extra 16GB of storage for my phone like I've always wanted on Tuesday. Hell yeah! I also finally got the Octo-Expansion DLC and I'm excited. This is gonna be great. Keep on dreaming. 6-2-18⭐ (Oh, right. It's June! Yay.)

Trying to leave my Bedroom ~ saturday, 06-03-18

today I got into the Homestuck comic via a friend's friend but I'll get to that later. Today we went to the mall. Me and my mom went to Sephora where I saw this really cool toner with Rose petals. I really liked it, but it was 40 freaking dollars. Then we had lunch. We didn't do much after that at the mall because of my brother waking up at freaking 4 am. Geez. After that, we went to Whole Foods, that one grocery store that I seriously wish there was one over here. Seriously. I got mochi there which I shared with my brother. Aren't I such a nice person? Then, after I went home, I met one of my friend's friends. We chatted, and she got me into Homestuck. That's what friends do, right? She seems pretty cool. Anyways, I need to sleep. Keep on dreaming. 6-3-18⭐

When the going gets tough ~ sunday, 06-04-18

So, you know that live stream from a month ago? Well, two of the people who took part is going to get married and I'm so!!!! excited!!!! I seriously hope that the wedding is gonna be live streamed too, because that is going to be the first wedding I've ever watched, and I would freak out over their wedding vows! I bet the rest of the group is gonna get invited, as it would be really cute to see them all together in matching dresses and suits. If not live streamed, I at least want to see pictures of the wedding on Twitter. Could you imagine, Emile in a suit!? Oh, I'm overwhelmed of the thought of it! In a good way, duh! Of course, the wedding could actually be super casual, but still!!! Anyway, I have no idea when it is, but all I know is that the honeymoon is gonna be in Ireland. Why's it called a honeymoon, anyway!? Y'know, I have a small suspicion that they already had the wedding. But, I could be wrong, who knows? Anyways, I just practically wrote the end of Amethyst before writing onto the part that I was on! Today I felt jumpy and easily excited. Maybe because I got enough sleep, or perhaps it's just my ADHD. Anyways, I'm gonna sleep now, 'cuz my extra storage is gonna get here tomorrow!!! YATTA!!! Anyways keep on dreaming, my dudes!!!! 6-4-18⭐

May nothing but death do us part ~ tuesday, 06-06-18

alright, so I had trouble going to sleep last night so I checked the tags of you-know-who on tumblr, where I stumbled upon a sad yet very interesting piece of fan fiction. However, I wasn't able to read the second part of it for some reason. It's been almost 12 hours, yet I'm still curious as to what happened. Then, I spontaneously decided to log in to DeviantArt after, what? Two years? And wouldn't you know it, a different fan fiction featuring the same dudes was updated. After that, I fell asleep and after I woke up, I made a very big and very yummy sandwich. Then I started getting depressed and anxious about inclusion, and wouldn't take my mind off it for a while. And I also finally drew what I was thinking of drawing, yay. Maybe I should log in to accounts that I haven't checked in a while again some other time. And check the tags of you-know-who on instagram. Keep on dreaming. 6-6-18⭐

Tell me more, tell me more ~ wednesday, 06-07-18

last night I had this really weird dream of my mom scaling this tower with some electric cord thing wrapped around it. It was disabled when she was climbing it, but right when she reached the top, it was on for a bit and it reached the top of the tower where it got to her hands. She jumped off it, and stuck the landing, safe and sound. After that, we joined a crowd under a bridge. The bridge was next to this theater building that was just finishing showing Sailor Moon. The crowd that was watching it came out and the crowd below went under any shadows. Anyways later today, I was watching a hockey final, and Washington totally kicked Vegas' butt and won the Stanley Cup. Like, great job! Especially because there was people from Denmark who were watching in the middle of the night cuz one of Washington's players was from there. I'm also glad because they kicked the butt of the team who kicked our butts. There's always next year. Always. Oh, right. Next week is the only thing that I really care about in June. E3 week! It's a convention where a bunch of video game companies show off their future releases. You know that LGBT+ and inclusion stuff I was moping and ranting about? Some people added that Straight people shouldn't be left out and I was like "FINALLY! Somebody said it!" Anyways, keep on dreaming. 6-7-18⭐

Why you mad? Why you sad? When you could be... Glad. ~ sunday, 06-10-18

So, I just thought of something. What if I started up a profile picture service when school starts? I could create um, those papers that you fill out your phone number, name, and stuff. How it would work is that I pass those around, people would text me the photo(s) they want me to edit and I would text them back with the edit. All of it would be free, duh. Anyway, today I went to the Mall with my mom and brother, where we saw this candy store. We went in, and I knew what that one saying truly feels like. Because, seriously! I never thought I would see Kinder chocolate and Japanese DIY candy kits in one store!! I got some yummy strawberry candy there, and a cotton candy macaron which was pretty good, too. Then we got some food. I got this macaroni and cheese that tasted as good as it looked. And solved the mystery of where everyone's getting boba tea from. When we left, it was super cold and raaainy. Mr. Emile uploaded as usual and near the end of it, he mentioned that he's gonna do something that he's never done before, yet he did... Wonder what he's referring to. Anyways, I'm pretty tired. Oh, right, and E3 is gonna be during Tuesday morning! I'm excited! Keep on dreaming. 6-10-18⭐

The sun is shining in the sky! ~ monday, 06-11-18

Alright, I don't think I can sleep soon because E3 is soon and I am E X C I T E. Oh, right and when I woke up this morning, I went downstairs to take my medicine and when I saw how outside is, I was like "It's summer," and I'm still looking forward to it. Then I thought about high school. Like, how's that gonna be? Not like in anime or movies, I bet. Oh, and we're seeing The Incredibles 2 this weekend, and it's gonna be great! And about the High School thing, I sure hope I can get somebody's number and text them, cause that would be great, thanks. Y'know, what if Mr. Emile started a vlog channel? It's a long stretch, but still! Due to my crippling social anxiety, that would be the best way I could know small things about him. But his own channel is just as good. Yo, what if my boys, Hightide Era get their return announced during E3?! I would scream so loud! I'm almost getting in my summer mood, and I gotta sign up for that reading program. Oh, and that reminds me of how much I love it when I exit the library with a crap ton of books to read. Hopefully doing that during the summer! I can't wait!!! Keep on dreaming. 6-11-18⭐

Everyone! Is! Here! ~ tuesday, 06-12-18

alright, so today is what I was looking forward to: Nintendo's E3 presentation. In a nutshell, I was disappointed, yet not disappointed. Like, where's my Animal Crossing? My Pikmin?? My Mario Kart??? The presentation was mainly focused on Super Smash Bros. Or should I say, Super Smash Bros: Ultimate. And Ultimate is right, because it has all! the! characters! Like, seriously. I am so glad that the Ice Climbers are back, since they've been gone for a decade. What makes me very happy is that Daisy somehow managed to get in. Don't know how, but I'm beyond proud of her. The three princesses are here, folks! What's also cool is that the Squid Sisters made it in as an assist trophy. Nice. Our fighter count is at a staggering 71 and counting, baby! Hopefully my boy Bandana Dee gets in. I couldn't sleep the night before, so I slept way late, and after I woke up and watched the thing, I was tired, so I went back to sleep. When I woke up, I saw that the freaking Octo-Expansion is coming out tomorrow evening. Like, holy crap! Couldn't they showed that off during the presentation? Still, tomorrow evening? AAAAAAHHHH!!!!! Can't wait to see what's coming up for Sma5h, though. Keep on dreaming. 6-12-18⭐ (all of the girls are in that game! All of the girls!)

Screw your chicken strips! ~ wednesday, 06-13-18

you know what today was? Octo Expansion day! I started playing it about an hour and a half after it released and it's so worth the money. For one, the levels and bosses are actually kinda difficult. Even though the bosses are actually the same ones from the original story mode. Each level has this really nice 80's-90's aesthetic to them, and so does the music. What I also like is that there's this chat room thing and every once in awhile it gets updated, sometimes with some backstories. Oooh, how I love backstories. Oh, right and the titles of the levels have cool 90's pop culture references which I only get half of the time. Anyways, Summer is technically here. Yay! I got my hat on backwards and it's time to freaking party. And also, my headphones are getting here tomorrow, yay! Bet their gonna be great. Good things come to those who wait. Remember that, my dude. Keep on dreaming. 6-13-18⭐

Me? Getting emotionally attached to everyday inanimate objects? It's more likely than you think. ❤ ~ friday, 06-15-18

So here I am up in the club (read: my room) crying. Why? I dunno. I just finished eating some of those twirly cinnamon thingies from Taco Bell and I somehow managed to get emotionally attached to them. I mean, I have gotten emotionally attached to inanimate objects before, (i.e. balloons for my birthday) but that, /that thing of twirly cinnamon thingies/ looked so dejected and in need that I had, HAD to eat them all cause I felt so bad for it. I still haven't cheered myself up from that. I mean, I am pretty tired and just finished another session of crying, so... Oh, right, and yesterday I finished the Octo Expansion and man, I am still shook about the end. Like, seriously, a creepy vintage phone conjuring up a human statue with a Death Star weapon attachment to destroy the world and start the beginning of a new species? Who expected that? No one! That's why I am s h o o k e t h still about it. And the music for the final boss was PUMPING. The first part was amazing and super catchy, but the second half, the second half, is a reprise of Ebb and Flow and you wouldn't believe how good and emotional it is as you're fighting for the existence of Inkopolis and the world itself. Ugh, so good! After all of the bombs (oops, I forgot about how you fight the final boss) are exploded, Pearl lets out a gigantic "BOOYAH!" which totally destroys the statue. And man, who would think that a vintage phone would be so scary? I wasn't able to sleep last night because of it. And, uh, that's all. Keep on dreaming 6-15-18⭐

Let me have adventure, be a contender, and more ~ wednesday, 06-20-18

So, I was just thinking, I saw an animated clip from a TRG collaboration, and let me say that the bickering among Emile and Jon seems like the perfect example of what friendship is... Like, Photoshop that "is this a pigeon?" meme where it's me looking at the butterfly labeled "Emile and Jon bickering" and the question being altered to "is this friendship?" Oh, right, and I was reading this "how to adult" thing on tumblr and I could only picture myself in an apartment in Southern California, 4-5 years older than now, following the links and figuring out what to do on that post. Oh, and also, I just saw that movie I've been wanting to see, and I did with a relatively big audience. I also saw my kindergarten teacher right before we got the popcorn and such. Let me just add that an empty movie theater hall is where it feels slightly otherworldly. Dunno why. Oh, and also, on the same day, Mexico won against Germany in the World Cup and I'm so proud of them, and proud to be Mexican. Like, even the fans caused a bit of seismic activity when we scored that goal. Where's your World Cup Champion now, Germany? The short that played before the movie was so cute though. And I had this conversation yesterday with a good online friend of mine, and she mentioned that I should open myself up to others and to not worry about the outcome. That's also a good example of friendship, right? Man, she's probably the best relationship I have that's not between my mom or my brother, in the history of everything. I wonder if we're ever gonna meet in person. Anyways, I've run out of ideas for now. Keep on dreaming. 6-20-18⭐(p.s. how do I fall in love with someone when I already have my eyes on someone who's age is twice as mine and maybe has an affair with someone else?!.)

Just a simple fangirl ~ monday, 06-25-18

last night, I had this dream where I was at a graduation. Not just anyone's graduation, not even mine; it was Mr. You-Know-who's graduation. It's weird, because he's twice my age. I remember watching some sort of montage video of him, like what his life was until right at then, the graduation. It was also a rainy day and my brother was at the same place for a field trip or something. The bus driver was like super mean for some reason. After I woke up, I checked to see if that fan-fiction updated. It didn't, but I did see a poem about Mr. You-Know-who by someone else, and I could totally relate to how they feel about him. I seriously love that man. I don't think I can go a day without thinking about him. Man, I am so tired. I hope that I can fix my screwed up sleeping schedule before school starts back up again. Like, can I wake up at a normal hour for once? I was also super hungry today. Feeed me... Today I was notified of a 2pm upload on YouTube, and for a split second, I thought Mr. You-Know-who announced his new series. It wasn't him, for a week would be too short to announce it. I wonder what it is, though. I also wonder if they're gonna announce new characters for Smash Ultimate like they did for Smash 4... For which characters, I'm wishing for Twintelle from Arms and Bandana Dee from Kirby. But, who knows? Keep on dreaming. 6-25-18⭐(am I missing something? Oh, right, since my mind will not shut up, have some fun blabbering about Mr. You-Know-who.)

P.S. I can almost imagine a piece of (self-insert) fan art where it's me hugging my Totoro plush while asleep in bed, and above is a mind bubble/cloud thing that shows me dreaming of meeting him, hugging him close and tight, with tears in my eyes. Said dream is probably just a dream. Nothing else. But, what if I somehow managed to get in the Make a Wish thing and the thing I wanted to do before passing away (ugh, what a grim thought) was meeting him??? Never gonna happen, but that's a thought. Oh, right, and today's upload for that one stream was for the one game I wanted to have a facecam for. It happened, and it was a dream come true. Can't wait to see the rest of the stream! Anyways, I will shut up now.

How many words does this whole thing have? ~ tuesday, 06-26-18

it's four in the morning, and guess who's on my mind... That's right, Mr. You-know-who. Like, there's a man who's alive, well, and definitely real whom I'm head over heels for? How did this magic occur? But, is my fawning over best described as "love"? This has been so for 4-5 years as I just made a screenshot of that poem from yesterday my phone wallpaper. Anyways, I wanted to make Pancakes today, but we're out of milk. Ugh. This has been a nightly mind dump. Keep on dreaming. 6-26-18 (Stitch Day?)⭐

News flash, I accomplished something ~ saturday, 06-30-18

today I did a seemingly impossible feat, but more on that later, because I need to get something out of my mind. Earlier this week, someone (the fiancé) tweeted about a phone call and is insanely excited about the future of that group. You know, *that* group. I have several questions and I know that they are all gonna keep me up. A: who was the call with? B: what is it that you were talking about? And C: when are you gonna drop the details? (haha, me calling them by some sorta codenames. I'm like a spy or something.) OK, so in the actual tweet, he described the call as very important, but my mind keeps replacing that with fateful and it's freaking me out. Seriously, give me the details, I'm dying to know! Was the call with some sort of business person who makes shows? Will the group get immensely popular? Is it another live stream? Anyways, let's move on to the impossible mountain I conquered today: introducing someone to something. Today I introduced a good friend of mine to Mr. You-know-who's videos. At first, I got a little scared, then she said that she knew him, due to Animal Crossing, then I just felt so victorious and relieved. She started watching his videos, and the results are not in, not until Monday. Anyways, congrats me. You did the impossible. Keep doing that. Keep on dreaming. 6-30-18⭐ (July 2018, here we go!)
